How much childcare allowance you receive depends on your salary, the number of hours you work and the number of children. The net costs, i.e. what you ultimately pay for childcare, are different for every family.
If your child attends the preschool playgroup, you are also eligible for an allowance. You will either receive childcare allowance or a subsidy from the municipality. This depends on your personal situation. Need help? Our customer advisers can help you if you are not quite sure. They can be reached on working days from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. via 035 683 44 99.
For our daycare centres, ou-of school care and playgroups you can register online or contact our customer service employees via 035 683 44 99 between 9 a.m. and 4. p.m. They can immediately look at the availability and establish whether this matches your requirements.
This varies per location and sometimes per group. To avoid disappointments, it is important that you register your child as soon as possible. You can do this via the registration form, or by calling customer advice: 035 683 44 99 (between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m.). We have immediate availability at some locations, see this page.
A feeling of safety and serenity in the group is very important to us. It is for this reason that we welcome your child for a minimum of two days a week in our daycare centers. Under certain conditions, one day per week is possible.
At playgroups the number of half-days depends on the group your child will attend. Groups in which they work with early childhood education programmes apply a different number of half-days than groups without this programme.
For our out-of-school care we apply the rule of a minimum utilization of one day a week.
This may differ per location. Our customer advice staff will inform you about the care options available at the location of your choice. Curious about which location has immediate availability? View this page.