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Out-of school care

The combination of a busy job and school-aged children can be quite a challenge. We’re here to help out! At our out-of-school care (4-13 years old), your child can have fun and relax after school. Participate in activities, free play with school friends or just relax? Anything goes, because out-of-school time is free time. And time will fly!

Activities at the out-of-school care

Cooking in our kitchen specially equipped for children? Taking music and theatre workshops? Working in the carpentry shed? Outings to the zoo? Which of these activities appeals to your child? The good thing about out-of-school care is that your child discovers so much through playing with others: dealing with differences, exploring boundaries, standing up for yourself, becoming independent, making friends… In fact, children experience how we interact as a society through play. And because the out-of-school care is a third environment for your child (in addition to home and school), we play a partner role in raising them.

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Tweeling aan het spelen

Inspired, involved and on the move

For part of the week, you entrust us with your child, and we consider that a great responsibility and an honour. Our involved pedagogical staff members supervise your child on his journey of discovery with great enthusiasm. We want your child to be ‘future proof’, for him to be able to resiliently explore a world that is constantly in flux. But how do we do this? Please consult our pedagogical approach, in which we show what we think is important.

Pedagogical approach

Move with Bink

We believe that children should move a lot. Shake your body loose and release all that energy! Preferably outside or in the gymnasium: our qualified sports supervisors offer challenging play every day.

Movement is good for brain development, for emotional release, learning to tackle challenges and solving problems. Is your child particularly athletic? We also have a special sport-out-of-school care (from age 7). If your child is a member of a sports club and their training or swimming lesson takes place during an out-of-school care afternoon, please sign up with us for free transportation to sports clubs.

More about moving with Bink
Uitleg buiten
meisje wereldkaart

Your child is also welcome during holidays

Six weeks of summer holiday, a two-week holiday in May, and then there’s the occasional mid-week study day… Help, you only have 25 vacation days a year! No worries: our out-of-school care locations are open during holidays and on study days. Your child is welcome during all the days that your pay for childcare from us.

Cooking with Bink

Feeling, smelling, tasting, picking, cutting; we enjoy cooking together at the out-of-school care! This way, we familiarize your child with healthy eating from an early age and in a fun way. Each age group has its own level, which is something we take into consideration during cooking and baking. Afterwards, we all gather around the table to taste and discover all the flavours.

Read our nutrition policy
pm'er koken kind

Out-of-school care-intensive

Does your child attend special primary education? Then the out-of-school care-intensive (bso-i) might be the right choice. Just as at school, your child receives a structured and well-organised offer, and is cared for in a small group. This way, there are fewer stimuli and our specially trained pedagogical staff members can pay more attention to your child. The locations Binkies and Ziezo offer bso-i.

sport en spel

International out-of-school care

Does your child attend an international school? Our out-of-school care location Rembrandtplein has an international character. That means that we speak English with your child and take different cultures, customs and food into special account.

Pre-school care

There are some locations that your child can attend before school begins. We enjoy breakfast together, read a book or play a game. One of staff takes your child to school on time. This is ideal if you have an early start.

Frequently Asked Questions

When can I register my child for out-of-school-care?

You can register your child for out-of-school school care from the moment your child is 3 years old and your (provisional) choice of school is known. Your choice of school is important because each school is linked to one of out-of-school care facilities. If your choice of school (or your preferred childcare days) changes, please let us know as soon as possible.

When will I know if there is a place for my child?

As soon as we have a place for your child, we will let you know. For the after-school centre, we aim to plan six months ahead. From that point on, we continue to look for possibilities each month. If you don’t hear from us, unfortunately, we don’t have a spot available yet.

Can I get a tour of the out-of-school care?

Yes, you are more than welcome to come by. During a tour, you will hear more about our childcare and will get a good impression of the indoor and outdoor spaces. Call the out-of-school location directly to make an appointment.

Is there an adjustment period before my child starts?

Yes, during the introductory interview, we will decide together what will be the best way for your child to feel at home at the location

At the after-school care, a child will acclimatise at least once. Please note that you must remain available for your child during the settling-in days.

Is it possible to switch days of out-of-school care?

Exchanging an out-of-school day is possible provided there is space available for an extra child in the group on the requested day and that the group is not already too full. In addition, sufficient employees must be available. The location will decide whether exchanging a day or extra childcare is possible.

Can my child get out-of-school care on an extra afternoon?

Exchanging or requesting extra days is a service we offer whenever possible. Your child can get out-of-school care on an extra afternoon if the group size and staffing permits.

You have to apply via the parent portal. This afternoon will be deducted from the number of discretionary days for holidays and teachers’ seminars and will not be invoiced. If you have no discretionary days left, this extra day will be charged. View our price list for the hourly rate charged for this.