And you may be able to apply for childcare allowance. Or - in the case of pre-school care - a contribution from the municipality. To get an idea of what it will mean for your wallet, you can make a trial calculation.
Yes, all our daycare centres, playgroups and out-of-school care facilities fall under the Child Care Act (Wet kinderopvang).
This Act applies to all childcare registered in the Landelijk Register Kinderopvang (National Register Child Care): (international) daycare for children aged 0 to 4, (extended) care for children aged 2 to 4, out-of-school care (including care during holidays) for children aged 4 to 13 and before-school-care for children aged 4 to 13.
All Bink’s daycare centres, playgroups and out-of-school care facilities are registered in the Landelijk Register Kinderopvang.
Parents have been only entitled to childcare allowance when they make use of childcare registered in the LRK. Further information can be found on The registration number of your location can be found on our website under the location of your child.
Payments are made by direct (preauthorised) debit. On the 28th of the month preceding the relevant month of childcare, Bink collects the amount from your account. The invoice amount is to be paid before the 1st of the relevant month of childcare. You will receive a monthly invoice either per email or mail. Every year in February, you will receive an annual statement. The tax authorities pay the childcare allowance for the following month on the 20th of the month.
Parents who both work are eligible for childcare allowance. In the following situations you can get childcare allowance if you do not work:
For further information, visit or
You are only eligible for a contribution towards the cost of childcare when you work in your partner’s business without any compensation.
As the tax authorities mean by work that you: