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pm er glijbaan

Frequently asked questions

Administration and invoicing

Can I terminate my agreement before the actual date of admittance?

Yes. The cancellation fees Bink charges, depend on the date of termination. There are different cancellation fees for each type of childcare. You will receive an overview of the cancellation fees together with the agreement.

What are Bink's rates?

We charge different rates for our care. All information can be found on our website. You can easily make a test calculation yourself on the Tax Authorities' website.

View our pricing list here.

How do I terminate my agreement with Bink?

You can (partly) terminate your agreement via the form below. Please keep a month’ notice into account. The termination is valid only after you have received a confirmation of the termination.

  • Go to the parent portal and then to the 'Account' page.
  • Then click on 'Contracts'. You will then see the active contracts on the second tab.
  • You can cancel an active contract. Click on the 'cancel contract' button.
How do I pay the monthly cost of childcare?

Payments are made by direct (preauthorised) debit. On the 28th of the month preceding the relevant month of childcare, Bink collects the amount from your account. The invoice amount is to be paid before the 1st of the relevant month of childcare. You will receive a monthly invoice either per email or mail. Every year in February, you will receive an annual statement. The tax authorities pay the childcare allowance for the following month on the 20th of the month.

Parents who both work are eligible for childcare allowance. In the following situations you can get childcare allowance if you do not work:

  • If you are under 18, are on social security and undergoing training;
  • If you do a work-study programme, receive no social benefit and have no employer;
  • If you take a compulsory integration course at a certified institution;
  • If you do a work-study programme;
  • If you are a student.

For further information, visit or

Does Bink apply a period of notice?

Yes, we require a month’ notice. You can terminate a place at the daycare centre, playgroup or out-of-school care on any working day of the month.


Am I eligible for a contribution towards the cost of childcare when I do unpaid work?

You are only eligible for a contribution towards the cost of childcare when you work in your partner’s business without any compensation.

As the tax authorities mean by work that you:

  • are employed by an employer;
  • work in your partner’s business without any compensation;
  • have income from business;
  • have income from other activities, for instance as a freelancer or an artist;
  • take part in a reintegration programme via your employer.
How can I request an occasional change?

An occasional extra childcare day or exchange day can be requested via the parent portal. You can read more about this in the FAQs for childcare and after-school care. An occasional extra childcare day or exchange day is assessed by the location manager.

Do I have to keep paying when my child is absent?

Yes, when your child is absent due to illness or holidays, the monthly payments of the costs will continue. We kindly request you to inform the staff of the location when your child will not be present. One is not entitled to exchanging childcare days.

Does Bink’s childcare come under the Wet kinderopvang (the Child Care Act)?

Yes, all our daycare centres, playgroups and out-of-school care facilities fall under the Child Care Act (Wet kinderopvang).

This Act applies to all childcare registered in the Landelijk Register Kinderopvang (National Register Child Care): (international) daycare for children aged 0 to 4, (extended) care for children aged 2 to 4, out-of-school care (including care during holidays) for children aged 4 to 13 and before-school-care for children aged 4 to 13.

How can I request a structural change of childcare days?

You can request a structural change of childcare days by using the form below. You can indicate whether you want to change or extend your childcare days. Based on availability, we will check whether we can approve your request. If there is no availability, we will put your request on the waiting list. You will receive a confirmation of this by e-mail.

• Go to the parent portal and then to the 'Account' page.
• Then click on 'Structural applications'. You will then see an overview of your structural applications.
• You can make a new request by clicking on the plus button at the top right.

Do I pay for closing days and holidays and is it possible to switch these days?

You do not pay for our closing days, as we have no personnel expenses on these days. These expenses, by the way, specify 70% of our rates. You do, however, pay for holidays, as on these days our personnel expenses continue. If we did not charge these days, the costs would have to be spread over fewer days a year, with the result that the hourly rate would increase.

Moreover, it may be good to know that we divide the annual rate by 12 months, thus invoicing the same amount and the same number of childcare hours every month. So we work with average childcare hours per month. If you apply for childcare allowance, you can pass the same number of hours to the tax authorities for a whole year. This is not only easier, but often also more advantageous for you.

It is not possible to switch closing days and holidays. Closing days are not charged and therefore cannot be switched. As for holidays, we cannot offer these as ‘switch days’, because we do not have enough availability. Besides, the GGD (Area Health Authority) does not allow us to accommodate more children than the allowable group size, so you can only switch days if the group size allows this and only in the same week, the week before or after.

Are all Bink’s locations registered in the Landelijk Register Kinderopvang (LRK)?

All Bink’s daycare centres, playgroups and out-of-school care facilities are registered in the Landelijk Register Kinderopvang.

Parents have been only entitled to childcare allowance when they make use of childcare registered in the LRK. Further information can be found on The registration number of your location can be found on our website under the location of your child.

My one child will have a different out-of-school care rate for 5 equal school days in 2024 than my other child. How is that possible?

As of January 1, 2024, the rate for the five equal school days will be equalized with the hourly rate for the short afternoon, i.e. Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. For children who started at Bink before January 1, 2024, we will do this within two years. As a result, you may pay a different rate for one child than for the other.

The rate for the five equal school days was introduced when the first schools started with five equal school days. It was expected that this would increase childcare on Wednesday and Friday afternoons. In practice we see that this is not the case. Most parents need childcare on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. The rate for the five equal school days is therefore not cost-effective. For this reason, it has been decided to equalize the rate for the five equal school days with the hourly rate for the short afternoon.

What are your closing days in Hilversum?

Our daycare centers and out-of-school care are open every weekday, with the exception of national holidays and a few additional closing days. Our playgroups are closed on national holidays and during school holidays.

View our closing days for 2025 here.

What are your closing days in Soest / Soesterberg / Huis ter Heide?

Our daycare centers and out-of-school care are open every weekday, with the exception of national holidays and one additional closing day. Our playgroups are closed on national holidays and during school holidays.

View our closing days for 2025 here.

Can I revoke the agreement?

After the date on which the agreement is signed, you have 14 days to deliberate and may revoke the agreement without cause or notice.

You can do this by sending an email to Incidentally, you are entitled to determine how you wish to revoke the agreement. If the agreement starts within 14 days of signing, the right of withdrawal does not apply. In that case, the regular cancellation conditions apply.

Registration and placement

I have applied for three days of childcare, but one day in the short term would also help me. Is that possible?

Due to the staff shortage in childcare, the waiting time for childcare has increased considerably. We fully understand that this is frustrating for parents. Where possible, we do our best to accommodate parents. Should there be partial availability on the days you requested childcare, or space on other days, we will let you know as well.

Do I get priority on the waiting list, because I am already using other childcare at Bink?

Yes, children who move on from our nurseries and playgroups have priority over new children. However, siblings are not guaranteed a place, as more factors come into play. Such as available days or a social indication.

We will contact you as soon as there is a place for your child. Should the situation arise that you no longer want a place on the waiting list, we would of course be happy to hear from you.

Do I have priority on the waiting list, because my oldest child is already in care?

Yes, we have a priority arrangement for siblings. However, siblings are not guaranteed a place, as more factors come into play. Such as age, the available days or a social indication.

We will contact you as soon as there is a place for your child. Should the situation arise that you no longer want a place on the waiting list, we would of course be happy to hear from you.

When will I learn that there is a place available for my child?

As soon as we have a place for your child, we will let you know. For the daycare centre and the after-school centre, we aim to inform you no later than six months before the requested childcare date, and for the playgroup no later than three months. If you do not hear anything, this means that we do not (yet) have a place available.

How can I register my child?

For our daycare centres, ou-of school care and playgroups you can register online or contact our customer service employees via 035 683 44 99 between 9 a.m. and 4. p.m. They can immediately look at the availability and establish whether this matches your requirements. 

Does Bink apply a minimum number of care days?

A feeling of safety and serenity in the group is very important to us. It is for this reason that we welcome your child for a minimum of two days a week in our daycare centers. Under certain conditions, one day per week is possible.

At playgroups the number of half-days depends on the group your child will attend. Groups in which they work with early childhood education programmes apply a different number of half-days than groups without this programme. 

For our out-of-school care we apply the rule of a minimum utilization of one day a week.

Is there a registration list?

This varies per location and sometimes per group. To avoid disappointments, it is important that you register your child as soon as possible. You can do this via the registration form, or by calling customer advice: 035 683 44 99 (between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m.). We have immediate availability at some locations, see this page.

If I register early, will there always be room for my child?

This may differ per location. Our customer advice staff will inform you about the care options available at the location of your choice. Curious about which location has immediate availability? View this page.

Is there a minimum period of child care?

Bink applies a minimum period of childcare of three months. This minimum period also applies when your child switches from one location to another one.

I am on the registration list for a place at childcare. When will you contact me?

Many parents want to know where they stand and call us with this question. As a result, the waiting time on the phone has increased considerably. Unfortunately, we really cannot comment on this and there is no point in calling or emailing us.

We will contact you as soon as there is a place for your child. Should the situation arise that you no longer want a place on the waiting list, we would of course be happy to hear from you.

Another parent applied later, but has earlier childcare for his/her child. How is that possible?

The word 'waiting list' gives the impression that, like at the bakery, people are helped in order of entry. Unfortunately, childcare cannot be planned that way. All sorts of factors come into play. Consider laws and regulations, social indication, age range of the group, available days and if the child is a sibling. So the place on the waiting list does not say much about the waiting period.

We will contact you as soon as there is room for your child. Unfortunately, it is not possible to say when exactly. There is no point in calling or emailing us about the status of the waiting list. Should the situation arise that you no longer want a place on the waiting list, we would of course be happy to hear from you.

Jaamo parent portal

Need extra help with Jaamo?

If your answer is not in the Jaamo manual or you have another question/need extra help, please contact us at:

Manual Jaamo

You will find all the answers to your questions in the manual. Can't figure it out? Please contact our customer advisors.

Read the manual.


How can I prepare my baby for the day-care centre?

For many babies, the transition from home to day-care is quite a big one. Your baby will have to get used to different carers, new sounds and smells, and a different bed. Together with you, we want to make sure your baby quickly feels at ease with us. This flyer will explain how you can start helping your baby at home to make the transition to day-care centre easier.

What factors play a role in placement?

Of course, we would like to offer all children a suitable place immediately. In practice this does not always work. There are several reasons for this. For example, we have to deal with legislation and regulations, social indications, age classification of the group, the available days and/or cancellations. Sometimes certain locations or certain days are very popular, which means we cannot immediately meet all requests.



Can I get a tour of the daycare centre?

Yes, if a place is or becomes available at the desired location, you are more than welcome to come by. During a tour, you will hear more about our childcare and will get a good impression of the indoor and outdoor spaces. Call our client advisors to make an appointment via 035 683 44 99.

When can I register my child for daycare?

You can register your child for daycare as soon as the expected date of birth is known. Our customer advice staff will contact you to discuss the options for your child.

When will I know if there is a place for my child?

As soon as we have a place for your child, we will let you know. For the daycare, we aim to plan six months ahead. From that point on, we continue to look for possibilities each month. If you don’t hear from us, unfortunately, we don’t have a spot available yet.

What is your nutrition policy?

We are continuously developing our pedagogical quality and have therefore revised our pedagogical policy in 2020. We have updated our nutrition policy to be adapted to the current day-and-age. The insights about nutrition, and the idea of a healthy diet, are constantly evolving. Our nutritional policy is based on the Schijf van Vijf (Wheel of Five), created by the Voedingscentrum (Dutch Nutrition Centre). We select seasonal fruit and vegetables as much as possible and offer biological dairy and eggs. From now on we do not offer meat products.

View our flyer here with more information about our nutritional policy.

Does my place at a daycare centre automatically continue at a place at out-of-school care?

No, the admittance of your child at the daycare centre will stop on the day your child turns four. If you wish to make use of out-of-school care, you can register your child for this via the parent portal from the moment your child is 2 years old and your (provisional) choice of school is known. Your choice of school is important because each school is linked to one of out-of-school care facilities.

Is it possible to switch days at the daycare?

Exchanging or requesting extra days is a service we offer whenever possible. The group size, composition, and number of available pedagogical staff must allow for it. The location will decide whether exchanging a day or extra childcare is possible.

Where is my child on the registration list?

The word ‘sign-up list’ may give the impression that, like at the bakery, people are helped in order of entry. Unfortunately, childcare cannot be planned that way. All sorts of factors come into play. Consider laws and regulations, social indication, group age grading, available days and whether the child is a sibling. In other words, the date of registration does not say much about the waiting period. 

At some locations, however, there is room for your child immediately, due to the fact that sometimes a place becomes available that has not yet been applied for. Whether we can offer childcare depends on the age of your child and the days you are looking for childcare.

Should the situation arise that you no longer wish to be registered, please let us know.

Is there an adjustment period when my child starts at daycare?

Yes, during the introductory meeting we will discuss with you the best way for your child to feel at home at the daycare. Your child will get used to the daycare center during the first few days. We gradually increase the number of hours from the start date of the agreement. So keep in mind that you cannot immediately make full use of the day(s) of care. Please note that you must remain available for your child during the settling-in days.

Out-of-school care

Can I get a tour of the out-of-school care?

Yes, you are more than welcome to come by. During a tour, you will hear more about our childcare and will get a good impression of the indoor and outdoor spaces. Call the out-of-school location directly to make an appointment.

When will I know if there is a place for my child?

As soon as we have a place for your child, we will let you know. For the after-school centre, we aim to plan six months ahead. From that point on, we continue to look for possibilities each month. If you don’t hear from us, unfortunately, we don’t have a spot available yet.

What is the nutrition policy?

We are continuously developing our pedagogical quality and have therefore revised our pedagogical policy in 2020. We have updated our nutrition policy to be adapted to the current day-and-age. The insights about nutrition, and the idea of a healthy diet, are constantly evolving. Our nutritional policy is based on the Schijf van Vijf (Wheel of Five), created by the Voedingscentrum (Dutch Nutrition Centre). We select seasonal fruit and vegetables as much as possible and offer biological dairy and eggs. From now on we do not offer meat products.

View our flyer here with more information about our nutritional policy.

When can I register my child for out-of-school-care?

You can register your child for out-of-school school care from the moment your child is 3 years old and your (provisional) choice of school is known. Your choice of school is important because each school is linked to one of out-of-school care facilities. If your choice of school (or your preferred childcare days) changes, please let us know as soon as possible.

Where is my child on the registration list?

The word ‘sign-up list’ may give the impression that, like at the bakery, people are helped in order of entry. Unfortunately, childcare cannot be planned that way. All sorts of factors come into play. Consider laws and regulations, social indication, group age grading, available days and whether the child is a sibling. In other words, the date of registration does not say much about the waiting period. 

At some locations, however, there is room for your child immediately, due to the fact that sometimes a place becomes available that has not yet been applied for. Whether we can offer childcare depends on the age of your child and the days you are looking for childcare.

Should the situation arise that you no longer wish to be registered, please let us know.

What are discretionary days and when can I use them?

If you make use our out-of-school care, you will receive a number of discretionary days each calendar year. You can use these day(s) for childcare during holidays and non-teaching days (subject to availability). By exception, and only if staffing and childcare capacity permit, you can use the discretionary days as an extra day during school weeks. You request the days via the parents' portal.



Can my child get out-of-school care on an extra afternoon?

Exchanging or requesting extra days is a service we offer whenever possible. Your child can get out-of-school care on an extra afternoon if the group size and staffing permits.

You have to apply via the parent portal. This afternoon will be deducted from the number of discretionary days for holidays and teachers’ seminars and will not be invoiced. If you have no discretionary days left, this extra day will be charged. View our price list for the hourly rate charged for this.

Is there an adjustment period before my child starts?

Yes, during the introductory interview, we will decide together what will be the best way for your child to feel at home at the location

At the after-school care, a child will acclimatise at least once. Please note that you must remain available for your child during the settling-in days.

Is it possible to switch days of out-of-school care?

Exchanging an out-of-school day is possible provided there is space available for an extra child in the group on the requested day and that the group is not already too full. In addition, sufficient employees must be available. The location will decide whether exchanging a day or extra childcare is possible.


When are the playgroups closed?

Our playgroups are closed on national holidays and during school vacations.

Please note: School vacation dates may vary depending on the playgroup. Only the summer vacation is the same for everyone; this date is fixed. For the other school vacations, schools may deviate from the recommended dates set by the Dutch government. We align our vacation schedule with the dates of the primary schools near your playgroup. This means that our closing days are as closely aligned as possible with the vacations of the local primary schools.

Would you like to know what this means for your playgroup? Please contact your location manager.

When can I register my child for the playgroup?

You can register your child for a playgroup from your child's first birthday.

Do you have an English-speaking playgroup?

Bink has one English-language playgroup: International Playgroup in Hilversum. This gaming room is located on the grounds of IPS Hilversum. VE is not used here.

Can my child attend a playgroup one half day a week?

We prefer to see children at least two half days a week at our playgroups. Only at playgroup Montessori-Centrum in Hilversum one half day of care is possible.

Will I receive a contribution towards costs for a playgroup?

Yes, all of Bink’s playgroups fall under the childcare Law (Wet kinderopvang). It is therefore possible for you to be eligible to receive childcare tax refunds or a subsidy from your municipality, depending on your personal financial situation. Another regulation applies for Parents whose child attends the English speaking International Playgroup. Please do not hesitate to contact us should you need further assistance when applying for childcare income tax refunds or for a subsidy from your municipality.

What is your nutrition policy?

We are continuously developing our pedagogical quality and have therefore revised our pedagogical policy in 2020. We have updated our nutrition policy to be adapted to the current day-and-age. The insights about nutrition, and the idea of a healthy diet, are constantly evolving. Our nutritional policy is based on the Schijf van Vijf (Wheel of Five), created by the Voedingscentrum (Dutch Nutrition Centre). We select seasonal fruit and vegetables as much as possible and offer biological dairy and eggs. From now on we do not offer meat products.

View our flyer here with more information about our nutritional policy.

Can I get a tour of the toddler playgroup?

Yes, you are more than welcome to come by. During a tour, you will hear more about our childcare and will get a good impression of the indoor and outdoor spaces. Call the toddler playgroup directly to make an appointment.

When will I know if there is a place for my child?

As soon as we have a place for your child, we will let you know. For the playgroup, we aim to plan three months ahead. From that point on, we continue to look for possibilities each month. If you don’t hear from us, unfortunately, we don’t have a spot available yet.

What is early child education and care (VE)?

VE stands for "voorschoolse educatie" early childhood education. Some children are given a VE-indication by the child healthcare centre. This might be due to special circumstances at home or due to a language delay. Your child is then offered a special programme at the toddler playgroup, with the supervision your child requires. For example, extra attention is paid to language. Movement and play are also focussed on. Your toddler usually attends four half-day sessions, instead of two. Parents pay a parental contribution for two half days, and no contribution for the other two half days.

Is there an adjustment period before my child starts?

Yes, during the introductory interview, we will decide together what will be the best way for your child to feel at home at the location. At the playgroup a child will acclimatise at least once. Please note that you must remain available for your child during the settling-in days.

Where is my child on the registration list?

The word ‘sign-up list’ may give the impression that, like at the bakery, people are helped in order of entry. Unfortunately, childcare cannot be planned that way. All sorts of factors come into play. Consider laws and regulations, social indication, group age grading, available days and whether the child is a sibling. In other words, the date of registration does not say much about the waiting period. 

At some locations, however, there is room for your child immediately, due to the fact that sometimes a place becomes available that has not yet been applied for. Whether we can offer childcare depends on the age of your child and the days you are looking for childcare.

Should the situation arise that you no longer wish to be registered, please let us know.