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Childcare for toddlers and pre-schoolers

Pre-schoolers need more challenges than toddlers. We provide activities and toys that are appropriate for your child’s age.

What does my child do at the day care centre?

From a romp in our garden to playing dress up: during free playtime, your child is free to do what he likes. Every 6 weeks, we introduce a new theme around which we organize corresponding activities. For example, we might observe and feel objects with different characteristics: hard and soft, large and small, heavy and light. Within the Animal Manners theme, for example, we had a large stuffed elephant and a small hard Duplo elephant. This way, your child learns to develop through play.

I am interested in Developing through playing

Group allocation

Depending on the location, we work with two different compositions:

  • We have groups of 0–2-year-olds at few locations. These children virtually all have the same rhythm, which makes the day manageable. There is enough attention, toys and rest for your child.
  • At other locations, the age range of a group is somewhat broader, namely that of the 0-3-year and 0-4 year olds. The benefit of such a division is that younger children can learn from the slightly older children. The older children learn to engage with smaller children, and in doing so, learn about ‘patience’ and ‘caution’.

Regardless of the group composition, we offer your child activities that suit his or her developmental stage.

PM met kinderen
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How do we look at your child?

We want children under our supervision to have fun growing together in a safe, enjoyable and challenging environment. That is why we work according to our four pedagogical principles:

  • matter
  • We do it together
  • Playfully discovering and exploring
  • Movement and equilibrium

These principles reinforce each other: if your child feels healthy and fit, he will feel good. And when your child feels good, he will be more inclined to investigate and make contact more easily with other children. Positive contacts with other children subsequently contribute to a positive self-image. And so we guide your child in his social development and the development of his independence and resilience.

eten jongetje

Eating with toddlers

What do you want on your bread today: hummus or a dairy spread? Tasting often proves to be a lot easier when it is done together with friends. Seeing others eat makes you eat! Your child gets to choose his own vegetarian sandwich options and prepare his own sandwich. This is great for his fine motor skills! Enjoying a meal together is also a fun and social moment; your child learns to talk in a group setting and learns to listen to others. At the table!

What does the nutritional policy look like?

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I register my child?

For our daycare centres, ou-of school care and playgroups you can register online or contact our customer service employees via 035 683 44 99 between 9 a.m. and 4. p.m. They can immediately look at the availability and establish whether this matches your requirements. 

When will I know if there is a place for my child?

As soon as we have a place for your child, we will let you know. For the daycare, we aim to plan six months ahead. From that point on, we continue to look for possibilities each month. If you don’t hear from us, unfortunately, we don’t have a spot available yet.

Is there an adjustment period when my child starts at daycare?

Yes, during the introductory meeting we will discuss with you the best way for your child to feel at home at the daycare. Your child will get used to the daycare center during the first few days. We gradually increase the number of hours from the start date of the agreement. So keep in mind that you cannot immediately make full use of the day(s) of care. Please note that you must remain available for your child during the settling-in days.