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Out-of-school care


Contact information

Bosdrift 21

1214 JS Hilversum

06 13 59 73 85 send an e-mail
Bso Bavinck

The out-of-school facility Bavinck is located in the Bavinckschool and provides out-of-school care for the children aged 4 to 7 years of this school. It is very pleasant for them to spend their free time in the same familiar building. There are two common rooms with a loft, which creates homeliness and extra room for playing.

Bavinck is open on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. On Wednesday and Friday, the children go to the out-of-school facility Talud. When children turn 7 they go to the out-of-school facility Talud and/or Sportkids

What makes Bavinck special?

  • Small-scale care for young children under 7 years of age;
  • Care in the school building;
  • Always together with schoolmates of the Bavinckschool;
  • Large playgrounds with several climbing frames and plenty of room for running and cycling.

Practical information

Natascha Tierie

Natascha Tierie

Cluster manager

Contact information

Bosdrift 21

1214 JS Hilversum

Opening hours

After school hours - 18:30 (Mo, Tu, Th) | Before school hours 7.30 - 8.30 (Tu, Th, Fr) on out-of-school care Talud

Registration number


Affiliated schools

Frequently asked questions

When can I register my child for out-of-school-care?

You can register your child for out-of-school school care from the moment your child is 3 years old and your (provisional) choice of school is known. Your choice of school is important because each school is linked to one of out-of-school care facilities. If your choice of school (or your preferred childcare days) changes, please let us know as soon as possible. The date you communicate the change will then become your new registration date.

When will I know if there is a place for my child?

As soon as we have a place for your child, we will let you know. For the after-school centre, we aim to inform you no later than six months before the requested childcare date. If you do not hear anything, this means that we do not (yet) have a place available.

Can my child get out-of-school care on an extra afternoon?

Exchanging or requesting extra days is a service we offer whenever possible. Your child can get out-of-school care on an extra afternoon if the group size and staffing permits.

You have to apply via the parent portal. This afternoon will be deducted from the number of discretionary days for holidays and teachers’ seminars and will not be invoiced. If you have no discretionary days left, this extra day will be charged. View our price list for the hourly rate charged for this.

Is it possible to switch days of out-of-school care?

Exchanging an out-of-school day is possible provided there is space available for an extra child in the group on the requested day and that the group is not already too full. In addition, sufficient employees must be available.