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Blog 19 July 2024

To a summer full of discoveries!

This summer everything is just a little bit different than usual. However, whether you're going on holiday or staying at home, summer offers plenty of opportunities for quality time for you and your family. It's also a perfect time to go exploring with your child. At Bink we always encourage children to learn by doing, especially during the holidays! That's why we'll give you some tips in this blog on fun and entertaining activities you can do with your kids this summer. Here we go!

Expanding the interests of children

At Bink we follow the interests and development areas of children. We follow their play and add depth, broadening or 'magic' that they themselves don't think about. There's even more room for this during the holidays.

Summer at Bink

In July and August, everyone at Bink maintains a summer state of mind! This year, once again all the out-of-school care locations have a summer programme, often with a fun and educational theme. During six weeks, we provide original activities that the children will do together. The out-of-school location Rembrandtplein, for instance, started the summer with a genuine Rembrandt festival in which children could use their creativity and talents in all sorts of ways. Have a look at the photos for an impression!

Tips for at home

  1. Besides the fact that children are welcome at the out-of-school location during the holidays, there is also plenty of fun to organize at home! Below you’ll find four tips for doing even more fun activities with your children:
  2. Getting ‘lost’ together! Take your bikes or put on your walking shoes, go walking or cycling and let your child show you the way. Let the afternoon unfold at your child's pace. How do you want to walk or cycle, and where?
  3.  'Chez Floor'! Perhaps you already had plans to bake or cook together. Super fun! Turn it into a project with your child. What recipes are you going to use? Let your kids choose the recipes. They may want to help with cutting, or prepare a restaurant in the living room. You can make it even more special by inviting guests, for example. Of course, these guests can also be cuddly toys! And a nice menu will make the ‘enterprise’ complete. Fun and tasty!
  4. Your own home and garden! Summertime is also an ideal time to do odd jobs in your house. Your child can also learn a lot from these activities! Go on a job adventure together and entrust your child with a hammer, nail and a brush. Create, for instance, a new work of art, a rack for trinkets or a birdhouse together. Nail it immediately to the wall or give it, as a present, to grandma and grandpa. Another project? Make a blackboard in the garden for chalking or fill the sandpit with new sand together. It's not about the size of a project but about doing it together at your child's pace.

Do you want to come up with your own theme and put this central? Think of a water day, pink day, animal day or forest day. Children really love theme days. And choosing a theme together will ensure inspiration for fun things to do!

On our YouTube channel you may find even more inspiration from our creative, talented pedagogical staff, creative painting or a boot camp, for instance.
