Bso Avonturijn
Bso Avonturijn

Bso Avonturijn

The out-of-school care facility Avonturijn can be found in the former monumental Melkfabriek. Out-of-school care is part of the community school besides a daycare centre, playgroup and primary school. In the community school we aim at enhancing the development of children between the ages of 2 and 13 and at better attuning to their talents. Together we provide a continuous pedagogical line and a variety of activities.Avonturijn is for all children attending primary school Avonturijn and the younger children (level 1 to 5) attending the Lorentzschool. The older children will go to bso Heidepark.

What makes Avonturijn special?

  • Much space for playing in three large common rooms, a play room, a multipurpose room and a large crafts room;
  • A large kitchen where children can cook for fun;
  • A large playground with various outdoor equipments, including a climbing tower, a little house with a slide, a sandbox, table-tennis table, ball catcher and Twister tiles. There is also a soccer cage.

About Bink’s out-of-school care facilities

Bink provides out-of-school care for children of all primary schools, so your child will always be able to attend out-of-school care with his or her schoolmates. They can play in their own group, participate in activities or just read a book on the couch. Relaxation and enjoyment are paramount.

Please, read more about our way of working at our out-of-school facilities.

What we do:

  • Play sports and exercise under the guidance of qualified sports leaders (preferably outdoors) each day;
  • Drama, dance and music workshops;
  • Cooking and doing handicrafts together.

Keep abreast of you child’s experiences via the parent app.

Bink’s extras