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Available places in Soest and Soesterberg

Daycare Centre (0-4 years)

Location Day Age at start of childcare
Daycare centre Dribbel Thursday 3 - 24 months
  Monday and Thursday (until March 2025) 24 - 44 months
  Friday 24 - 44 months
  Wednesday and Friday 24 - 44 months
Daycare centre Duinpaleis Wednesday 24 - 44 months
  Friday 24 - 44 months
Daycare centre Kasteel Wednesday (Kasteelplein) 3 - 23 months
  Wednesday and Friday (as of October) (Kasteelzaal) 24 - 44 months
  Monday, Tuesday and Friday (Kasteelvijver) 24 - 44 months
Daycare centre Klein Vliegdorp Friday (as of October 2024) 24 - 44 months
  Wednesday (as of October 2024) 24 - 44 months

Out-of-school care (4-13 years)

Location Day Age at start childcare
Out-of-school care Kasteel Wednesday and Friday 48 - 144 months
Out-of-school care Villa Monday 48 - 84 months
Out-of-school care Vliegwereld Monday (only for children of Postiljonschool, Carolusschool and Startbaan) 48 - 72 months
  Wednesday (only for children of Postiljonschool, Carolusschool and Startbaan) 48 - 144 months

Out-of-school care Zevensprong




48 - 84 months 


Playgroup(2-4 years)

Location Day Age at start childcare
Playgroup Helikopter Monday and Thursday (morning) 24 - 44 months
  Tuesday and Friday (morning) 24 - 44 months
  Monday and Thursday (morning) 24 - 44 months
Playgroup Kwetternest Monday and Thursday (afternoon) 36 - 44 months
  Tuesday and Friday (morning) 24 - 34 months
Playgroup Woelwaters Monday and Thursday (morning) 24 - 44 months
  Thursday and Friday (morning) 24 - 44 months

Other important things to know:

  • For these places, we apply the ‘first come, first served’ principle.
  • In the case of out-of-school care, your child's primary school must be linked to the out-of-school care centre in question. The linked school/schools can be found on the location page of each out-of-school care facility.
  • The availability at out-of-school care also depends on your child's basic group. It is therefore possible that your child is already on the waiting list for an extra day, but there is no place on the basic group. The place offered here concerns a different basic group.
  • The availability at out-of-school care also depends on our bus transport. It is therefore possible that your child is already on the waiting list for an extra day, but there is no place in our Bink bus from his/her school. The place offered here concerns another primary school.
  • Please allow at least three weeks between your application and the actual start of childcare. This has partly to do with the administrative arrangements for the new placement and to give the location staff time to prepare for your child's arrival.
  • We update the overview of available childcare places on a weekly basis. You cannot derive any rights from these available days.


If you are you interested in one of these days, then please call or e-mail our customer advisers. They will be happy to help you.