The organisation

The organisation

Bink has 16 daycare centres, 24 playgroups, 34 facilities for out-of-school care and 1 integrated children's center in Hilversum, Soest and Huis ter Heide. Bink is a registered non-profit organisation and invests all its revenues in services to parents and children.

The Board of Management is assisted by the Regional Managers and, together with the Board of Management, they form the management team. The Regional Managers guide the Location Managers who, in their turn, manage the pedagogical staff. 

The Board of Management, more than 30 years’ experience in childcare

Mrs Monique Wittebol is the Managing Director and Chairman of the Board of Management and has the ultimate responsibility for Bink. It is her task to promote the continuity and progress of the organisation by developing and implementing the strategic policy and achieving the financial targets. Her market-oriented approach and longstanding commitment to strengthen the position of the organisation has resulted in market leadership in Hilversum and Soest.

Mrs Annemarie van Dieren is the Operational Manager and member of the Board of Management. She monitors the sound financial position of the organisation, a task that includes efficiency. Both Monique and Annemarie have more than 30 years’ experience in childcare.

Supervisory Board

Supervising, thinking along, providing advice to the Board of Management and giving account: these are, in short, the duties of Bink’s Supervisory Board. They critically monitor the functioning of Bink and pay close attention to the continuity of the organisation. The Supervisory Board meets six times a year with the Board of Management. These meetings address issues such as the financial statements and the quarterly reports, the budget and pricing. The Supervisory Board consists of five members with broad expertise in their field, including consultancy, marketing management and quality.

Central parents’ committee

In the central parents’ committee, parents discuss with the Board of Management policy issues that are important for parents and children at central level. Each member represents a number of locations. 

Works Council

Employee participation is important at Bink. In accordance with the Wet op de ondernemingsraden – WOR (Works Councils Act) we have a works council. The works council is an employee representative and has the task of advising the Board of Management and to critically monitor Bink’s developments, the interests of the employees coming first. The works council regularly meets with the Board of Management.