Transport to sports clubs | Soest

Transport to sports clubs | Soest

We offer you the possibility to let your child follow training sessions during out-of-school care time at various sports clubs in Soest. As an extra service, Bink will arrange free transport to the club, on all afternoons during the school week.

Transport is possible for the children of the following Soest out-of-school care locations: Boomhut, Kasteel, Ludgerus, Sportvilla, Villa and Zevensprong.

Our vans go, among other places, to:

If your child's club is not listed here, you can always request transport to another sports club. This can be requested via the application form. It is good to know that we only arrange transport to the club. After the training session, you will have to collect your child from the sports club.

Please note! Club transport is an extra service provided by Bink and is only possible if it is logistically feasible, if the training/class is on your child's out-of-school care-day and if there is room in the van. We will do our best to honour as many requests as possible.

How does it work?

You will need to arrange the registration and payment of the training with the sports club yourself. You will need to register your child at the sports club for training and indicate that you will arrange transport via Bink. As soon as your child has been placed in a team and you know the training day and time, then please fill in the transport registration form. Our transport planner will inform you whether your child can travel with the out-of-school care van to the training location and, if so, by when.



To register your child for transport, click on the blue sign up button in the right-hand column >

More information?

If you have any questions, please contact our transport planner.