Early childhood education and care (VVE)

Early childhood education and care (VVE)

At all our playgroups we work with the early childhood education programme (VVE), a good programme to prepare every child for primary school. Thanks to this method we can detect and remedy development delays as early as possible.

Working with Uk & Puk

Most of our playgroups use the VVE method called Uk & Puk, which focuses on the Dutch language skills, familiarization with mathematics and a child’s social-emotional development.

The main figure of the method is Puk, a cheerful-looking puppet. Children often react spontaneously to Puk and because Puk experiences things that are familiar to them, children like talking and playing with Puk. If children find it difficult to tell something or resolve a conflict, together with Puk our pedagogical staff can help a child. Puk participates in the activities and is involved in the daily rituals in the group.

At the playgroups Zonnestraaltje and Villa Vrolik we use a different VVE program. We do not offer VVE at our English-language playgroup (International Playgroup).

All toddlers have equal opportunities

Children come to play 2 half-days a week. If your child needs some extra stimulation in development, for instance in the area of language, speech or motor skills, then he or she can go to the playgroup for 4 half-days a week. You do need an indication from the health authority. The municipality will reimburse you for the 2 extra half-days. 

How much does the playgroup cost?

Most municipalities consider it important that as many children as possible who need attending a playgroup can benefit from early childhood education. Sometimes you will get an indication from the child health centre. Please feel free to contact our customer contact employees. They can register your child and discuss with you the half days your child can come to the playgroup. Our employees can also find out whether you will be reimbursed for (part of) the costs.