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How do I request an alternative day?

If you want to request alternative days, you must first report your child absent on the original childcare day. Only then can you request an alternative day. Requesting an alternative day therefore only works when your child will not be attending on the originally planned childcare day. The location will notify you whether your request has been approved.

You can report a day of absence via ‘Planning’, then click on ‘Planning’ again below. Request an alternative day via ‘Planning’ and then click on the button ‘Aanvragen’.

On the 'Planning' page you can submit the request for the alternative day via the plus button at the top right. You will only see the option for an alternative day if your child has been report absent for an original day. If you want to request an alternative day for more children, you must submit the request separately for each child. You choose the desired date, the package and the product. At the desired date you must click on the calendar button on the right to select a date.