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Bink News

What is Bink doing to solve the staff shortage?

• We are lobbying in The Hague to (continue to) raise this problem and to propose solutions. The first result is that some rules in the law may be temporarily departed from, until June 2022, if everything in our power has been tried and we make a responsible choice. This goodwill arrangement provides some breathing space in the workforce.
• We encourage career development opportunities within Bink, doing our best to make it attractive to continue working in childcare and at Bink.
• In cooperation with ROC Midden Nederland, we offer a vocational guidance path (BBL). Via the Bink Academy, we are currently training 61 students as pedagogical employees.
• To guarantee continuity of care, we make more frequent use of pedagogical employees on a self-employed basis. Due to the shortage in the market, we pay a higher fee than usual, but do not pass this on to the parents.
• We postpone expanding groups or opening new locations, as this would imply that we would have to spread the existing staff over even more locations.
• We already have a strong social media presence to recruit new employees, but will continue to make ourselves heard!