Psz Toren

Psz Toren

Playgroup Toren is located on 42 Talmalaan. You will also find daycare centre and the out-of-school facility Kasteel there. The playgroup occupies two bright common rooms which the youngest children attending the out-of-school care facility also use. We are here four mornings a week, when the children attending the out-of school facility are at school.

What makes playgroup Toren special?

  • There are two qualified pedagogical employees for each group, who offer your child a structured programme;
  • We provide a challenging environment with a wide choice of play and creative material, also in our kitchen!
  • Learning through play with Uk & Puk;
  • Early childhood education and care for target groups four mornings a week.

Do you want to take a tour at our location?

Call us directly to make an appointment.
